Sunday 24 April 2011

My grey matter hurts!

Ay, ay, ay ....

You would think that having long ago come up with the overall colour scheme for our house (charcoal grey and white, with the occasional splash of green for interest ... and also timber and timber-look features for warmth), it wouldn't be so hard coming up with the external render colours.

But alas, the process is not so easy after all.  And although, IN THEORY, if I do happen to make a "monumental" mistake (excuse the pun) it's not as if we couldn't just repaint it if the poor colour selection bothered us that much, who really wants to spend more money on that when already the odd upgrade here and there is already beginning to hurt the hip pocket! And - mind you - that's even before thinking about all the additional furnishings and light fittings, furniture and landscaping that needs to be done!!

Humph, I dunno why I'm putting the additional pressure on myself in wanting to have a fab house all ready in time for our baby's 1st birthday ... but I guess it's nice to at least aim for certain goals and timeframes, lest we don't end up living with packing boxes strewn about the place for months on end. But (typically), I once again digress ...

Back to why my grey matter hurts!

Thankfully, of all the various grey paint colour swatches I've collected along the way, I've managed to eliminate all the colours that are no longer in contention!

Our builder suggested that for external rendering, we stick to one particular leading brand name paint, so that recommendation alone was of enormous helping in creating a shortlist.

Next, taking advantage of the full sun a couple of weeks ago (as opposed to trying to pick out colours in dimmed lighting), I grabbed all the swatches and one by one held them up to the light and divided them into "definitely no" and "maybe" piles.  So, out went everything with purple and mauve tints to them (yuk!) and also all those 'cool' coloured greys, with blueish undertones.

So, whilst the absolute final selections are yet to be determined, here is the shortlist of "maybes" ...

The short-list for external paint colours (ie. for all render work) ...




Malay Grey.

Western Myall.
Timeless Grey.


Flooded Gum.

Stay tuned for final selections ... shortly, I hope!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, just wondering which render colours did you end up doing.. we are also considering flooded gum with raku or silkwort with malay grey for our facade and would really appreciate your feedback..cheers
