Sunday 24 April 2011

The backstory ...

At some point, I'll find time to fill in some of the details on how we actually got to this point.

Meanwhile, here are some* of the MILESTONES thus far (some of them major and not-so-major milestones) ...

  • 10-Aug-2009: land contract signed
  • 15-Aug-2009: started visiting display homes
  • September 2009: approached building designer
  • 30-Sept-2009: last day of full FHOG ($32,000) came and went
  • 31-Dec-2009: last day of reduced FHOG ($25,000) came and went
  • 30-Jun-2010: last day of further reduced FHOG ($18,000) came and went
  • 01-Jul-2010: a slight increase to the FHOG introduced (now $20,000) ... yay!
  • 21-Sept-2010: contract with builder signed
  • 10-Nov-2010: construction commenced

* Other milestones to be inserted as time - and memory - permits.

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